I'm figuring out I have so many thoughts and it is difficult to hone in on what thought I want to write about or even think about. That sentence alone runs on.
But something I'm working on is slowing my thoughts. In a way, this is me having hospitality to myself. I'm giving myself room to focus. This does not mean I'm focusing on myself alone, there is an array of things: things to do around the house and the order I'll do them, the paper I'm researching for, what I see my families life looking like in a month...a year....5 years..... So on. But most of all I've been spending time just being. Being present with God. I'm realizing my doubts, does the Almighty actually hear my prayers and if God does should I do it more, does it matter? God's love isn't dependent on my actions necessarily, so what's the point?
I think I'm figuring that out. Right now the point is fit me to have hospitality to myself. By praying I'm
